
Corporate Espionage and Countermeasures News

News updates and articles are presented regarding corporate espionage, eavesdropping, electronic countermeasures, and TSCM. Please subscribe for automatic updates by entering your email address in the box on the right. You can search past articles and view archives in the column on the right.

Excerpts from recent posts are shown below. Click on the title to view the entire article.

Panama: ex-president at center of wiretap probe

From McClatchyDC by T. Johnson PANAMA CITY — When the United States rejected former Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli’s request for spying equipment to eavesdrop, U.S. diplomats feared, on his political enemies, the former supermarket baron turned to another source: Israel. Now scores of Panama’s political and [...]

January 28th, 2015|

Stolen surveillance system exposes drug dealing thieves.

DOERUN, GA (WALB) - Images from a stolen surveillance system helped investigators arrest a suspected drug dealer. Colquitt County Sheriff's Investigators made three arrests stemming from a burglary and drug deal connection. A Colquitt County farmer went online to see if he could find his stolen [...]

January 19th, 2015|

UK: Former deputy prime minister finds car was bugged.

John Prescott seems to be taking this find in stride, but it could be a sign of something more sinister going on. Vehicle TSCM sweeps are an important part of regular security precautions. The former Deputy Prime Minister discovered the device hidden in his car [...]

January 18th, 2015|

Hackers attack LA road signs

Science fiction stories often have tales of computerized devices taking over the world. Probably a more immediate worry, rather than the devices controlling us, would be hackers take over those devices, as that is already happening.  Cyber security researcher, Graham Cluley, clues us in on happenings in downtown [...]

January 12th, 2015|
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