One Superbowl ad from a few years ago helped to highlight internal problems that often affect information security. In less than two minutes they hit on at least seven internal problems that can affect security.

Watch and weep (with laughter I hope). Perhaps you may recognize similarities with your board meetings, staff meetings, or security measures.

This Superbowl Sunday, enjoy some guacamole and chips during the game, and consider the lessons learned from “Avocados from Mexico”.

  1. Some technical security measures can end up hindering good communications. 00:12
  2. Other countermeasures may be just so annoying that they just get disabled. 00:24
  3. Misunderstandings among staff can affect relationships. 00:37
  4. Errors in reporting. 00:58
  5. Paranoia creates misplaced concerns. 01:05
  6. Social media sharing- staff needs to be clearly trained: “no, Kyle, it’s not cool!” 01:12
  7. Finally, many just don’t understand the meaning of “confidential”, “proprietary”, or “secret”! 01:17