Having been working in the security field for over thirty five years, and in the surveillance countermeasures field for more than half of that, I’ve come to accept the need for protecting information as a given.  I’m always surprised when people I would have expected to be knowledgeable demonstrate their ignorance in such matters.

In this video from 2010, experienced newscaster Bob Schiefer shows that he was clueless about the world of corporate spying. Unfortunately, I think he represents the majority of CEO’s and corporate executives out there.  They need to understand the dangers their businesses face and how significant the threat against their proprietary information is.  

I just ordered Eamon Javers’ book, Broker, Trader, Lawyer, Spy from Amazon and have not read it yet. Judging by the reviews it may be good reading for anyone dealing with corporate information.

 Broker, Trader, Lawyer, Spy (on Amazon)


-Charles Patterson