News copied from other online sources.

Marines from Camp Lejeune train with local amateur radio operators for radio direction finding.

Searching for bugs or hidden transmitters requires radio direction finding techniques, usually deployed for TSCM in a small area such as a conference room or office environment. Similar techniques are used on a larger scale for such things as search and rescue, locating radio interference, as well as finding hidden transmitters. Ham radio clubs often have “fox hunts” to practice these direction finding techniques.

SALISBURY, NC (Salisbury Post) — In an emergency, being able to locate a lost person or find an enemy might save lives. U.S. Marines know this, and their training prepares them for a world of possibilities.

But there are some things classroom training can’t teach, which is why Sgt. Phillip Rice and 12 other Marines traveled from Camp Lejeune to Salisbury on Saturday. Rice said he tries to locate opportunities for hands-on training that will help members of his unit, the […]

2016-12-16T20:23:49-05:00June 8th, 2014|

Monaco heiress dies from her injuries after mysterious ambush by gunmen

ExecSecurity note: It is worth remembering that most attacks and serious security breaches begin with some form of surveillance taking place. Countermeasures against surveillance are not just for protecting information, it is also for protecting other significant assets including personnel. We will be watching this case to see where the investigation leads.

Police, who first described the attack on Pastor’s car as an “ambush” and an “attempted execution”, admitted they had no idea whether it was Pastor or her chauffeur who was the target of the gunmen, and said the choice of weapons did not suggest a professional assassin.

A police officer examining the car of Hélène Pastor after the shooting outside a Nice hospital, where she was visiting her son. (Photo: Valéry Hache/AFP/Getty)


A wealthy Monaco heiress shot two weeks ago in a mysterious attack on the French Riviera […]

2016-12-16T20:23:50-05:00May 27th, 2014|

Colombia ex-intelligence officers receive extended sentences over wiretapping

2 Colombia ex-intelligence officers receive extended sentences over wiretapping scandal

A Colombia judge has decided to increase prison sentences on two former intelligence officers who were already convicted for their roles in a wiretapping scandal that unfolded in 2008, local media reported on Thursday.

As more information came to light in the cases against former officials from Colombia’s now-defunct intelligence agency DAS, a Bogota judge has increased the sentences of Luz Marina Rodriguez and Bernardo Murillo Cajamarca from six years in prison to 12.

In addition to their crimes of conspiracy, abuse of public office, and violation of communication for spying on opposition politicians, journalists, and human rights advocates, Rodriguez and Cajamarca have also been linked to infiltrating Colombia’s supreme court.

“As the development of their functional duties, among which are highlighted sessions or private meetings, […] […]

2016-12-16T20:23:50-05:00May 24th, 2014|

New Hampshire town hall checked for bugging devices.

Espionage concerns reach into all levels of politics. We have been called in on cases where a mayor suspected the chief of police may have bugged his office, and where the local police department thought the town council may have bugged their offices.

Here we find the N.H. State Police were called in to investigate allegations that the Nelson Town Hall may have been bugged with an electronic eavesdropping device.

N.H. State Police investigate allegations of wiretapping at Nelson’s town hall

NELSON — An investigation into whether town officials illegally wiretapped conversations at the Nelson Town Hall is now with the Cheshire County Attorney’s Office, police said.

N.H. State Police say they recently wrapped up a nearly two-month probe into the case.

On March 28, State Police executed a search warrant at the town hall on Nelson Common Road, and, afterward, interviewed residents and town […]

2014-05-24T09:59:20-04:00May 24th, 2014|

CIA spy museum

The top secret CIA Museum only spies can visit. (From the UK Daily Mail.)

Tucked away among the labyrinthine corridors of the George Bush Center for Intelligence in Langley, Virginia, is the ‘coolest museum you will never see’.  Hidden from public view, the CIA Museum is comprised of five exhibits full of real paraphernalia from the storied history of the spy agency, which dates back to World War II. Proudly on display are some of the most important historical artifacts of modern times – including the AK-47 found beside the body of Osama bin Laden and the mock-up of his Pakistan compound the agency used to plan their successful assault. The museum, which is just as covert as the spy ring which it honors, displays the James Bond-style gadgets, artifacts and of course trophies they have accrued over 70-years of espionage.

Closed to the public […]

2016-12-16T20:23:50-05:00May 23rd, 2014|

2014 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, DBIR

The 2014 Verizon DBIR is available for download. This year’s report features nine common incident patterns, bringing together insights from fifty global organizations and more than 63,000 confirmed security incidents.

“…we’ve created sections around common incident patterns derived directly from the data itself… Within each of those patterns, we cover the actors who cause them, the actions they use, assets they target, timelines in which all this took place, and give specific recommendations to thwart them. The drive for change is three-fold: first, we realized that the vast majority of incidents could be placed into one of nine patterns; second, we can (and did) draw a correlation between these incident patterns and industries; and third, we wanted to challenge ourselves to look at the data with a fresh perspective. The ultimate goal is to provide actionable information presented in a way that enables you to hash out […]

2016-12-16T20:23:50-05:00May 17th, 2014|

Video report on business espionage

Below is a ten minute video report on business espionage from The information is certainly relevant to anyone in business today. 

Electronic trackers, scramblers and wiretapped computer keyboards. Those are some of the tools used in modern-day corporate espionage. It sounds like a James Bond movie and in some ways it does come close to fiction. Businesses are having to adapt to an era where information could be stolen within the blink of an eye. What are the risks for companies? We take a look back at history and we follow a team of people working to stave off corporate spies.

[Read More]

2014-05-17T08:44:45-04:00May 17th, 2014|

International Industrial Espionage: Zimbabwe- Savanna Tobacco says espionage is hurting exports.

from The Herald


Savanna Tobacco says industrial espionage by its tobacco industry arch rivals is suffocating its potential and capacity to increase exports by a factor of at least 50 percent.
Executive chairman Mr Adam Molai said in an interview last week that customers were being haunted and their products confiscated in what could throw the victims out of business…

British American Tobacco Zimbabwe was recently caught in an intricate web of controversy over allegations of employing industrial espionage tactics against its competitors, Kingdom, Savanna Tobacco, Breco, Cutrag, Trednet and Chelsea although this has remained difficult to prove.

However, its handlers have hitherto courted similar controversy on the continent with media reports alleging this is the group’s modus operandi in other markets in Africa.

According to media reports in Nigeria, in April 2002 a legal team from South Africa’s Port Elizabeth obtained urgent court […]

2014-05-07T20:15:57-04:00May 7th, 2014|

International: Georgian TV CEO office bugged, video and audio recordings leaked.

Probe Launched into Rustavi 2 TV Bugging Claims

Civil Georgia, Tbilisi / 6 May.’14 / 14:58

Prosecutor’s office said it has launched investigation into claims by Tbilisi-based Rustavi 2 TV channel that offices of its top executives were bugged.

Head of Rustavi 2 TV Nika Gvaramia claims he is under surveillance. (Interpressnews.)

It said that investigation has been opened under the article of criminal code, which deals with illegal eavesdropping of private conversations.

Investigators visited Rustavi 2 TV headquarters in Tbilisi after one of the largest private television stations in the country said earlier on May 6 that offices of its chief executive and head of newsroom were illegally monitored.

Nika Gvaramia, chief executive officer of Rustavi 2 TV, said on May 6 that a source from the Interior Ministry leaked to the television […]

2016-12-16T20:23:50-05:00May 6th, 2014|

Hidden cameras doing their job properly- Clever country music star catches criminal.

We often read reports of people spying through the use of covert video cameras. Sometimes it’s good to be reminded of how they can bew put to good use. Country music singer Rhonda Vincent was able to record a video of a robbery in progress by the man hired to clean her tour bus. 

Bluegrass music star Rhonda Vincent employed a hidden camera and a few other covert tactics to catch a crook who had allegedly been stealing money from her RV’s safe.

Vincent told WSMV-TV that she first noticed the thefts begin in 2013, but observed that they seemed to stop while she was on tour. She concluded that they were happening while her bus was parked at Hemphill Brothers Coach Company in Tennessee and decided to setup a hidden camera inside an alarm clock.

“We had a live camera feed […]

2016-12-16T20:23:50-05:00May 6th, 2014|

Barclays Bank Cyber Crime Gang Sentenced.

Last September we reported (See London banks attacked) that Barclays and Santander banks in London had been attacked by criminals using remote KVM (keyboard/video/mouse) switch controllers.   The London Metropolitan Police just announced that the gang members involved have received their sentencing.


Nine members of a gang which carried out a sophisticated cyber attack on the UK banking industry, stealing just over £1.25 million by remotely controlling bank accounts, have been sentenced to a total of 24 years and nine months imprisonment today, Thursday, 24 April.

The organised crime group also used bank and credit cards obtained from around one million intercepted or stolen letters to fraudulently purchase Rolex watches, designer jewellery and other high-value items, worth over £1 million.

2016-12-16T20:23:50-05:00May 3rd, 2014|

Hotel eavesdropping fears and security tips.


ANKARA — AK Party officials decided not to hold their biannual meeting at the Asya Termal, a hotel run by a Gülen Movement affiliate, over concerns that the venue may be bugged. The hotel in Ankara’s Kızılcahamam district was the traditional venue for the biannual consultation meetings of AK Party members until after private conversations in the previous meeting were secretly recorded and leaked. 

Gülenists are also accused of secretly recording private meetings at hotel rooms via hidden cameras.

The meetings on May 3 and 4 will be held in Antalya instead of the Ankara hotel. [Read more- the Daily Sabah]

Hotel Conf table 2


Hotels are popular places for important meetings, but there is a lot to be concerned about. The rooms themselves are not very complicated to sweep, as the furniture is usually minimal, […]

2016-12-16T20:23:50-05:00April 21st, 2014|

Hidden Cameras In Boardroom And Toilets

Why pay attention to the many reports of covert cameras? They can be like termites or cockroaches, if you see one, there are probably many more in place you do not want them to be. Professional sweeps may be in order.

Leeds Owner Orders Security Sweep, Finds Hidden Cameras In Boardroom And Toilets

Leeds United’s new owner Massimo Cellino has sparked a police investigation after secret cameras were discovered in the Elland Road boardroom and toilets.

Cellino asked for a security sweep of the stadium after an independent QC overturned the Football League’s decision to block his takeover earlier this week, during which the covert filming equipment was discovered.

West Yorkshire Police were subsequently called and have confirmed they are investigating the matter, with Cellino believing they were installed without permission from the necessary people at the club.

Police are still trying to uncover why […]

2014-04-18T22:23:09-04:00April 18th, 2014|

More covert video found… “video for dummies”?

More stupid people, doing very stupid things. Perpetrator recorded himself installing illegal cameras.

Davenport perp caught on his own video. Davenport perp caught on his own video.

Students may not be the only victims of restroom cameras in Davenport IA school

An affidavit filed in federal court April 14, 2014, offered new details into why investigators think Ian Dishon Isabel is responsible for placing those cameras, and possibly others, in restrooms at the school.

Isabel, 29, was charged after recording devices were found “covertly placed” in two stalls at Hayes Elementary School on Concord Street Wednesday, April 2, 2014.  Isabel was in charge of the Stepping Stones after-school program at Hayes Elementary.

The affidavit said a custodian found a small gray junction box hanging on a wall opposite a toilet in a girls’ restroom at the school on April 2.  The […]

2016-12-16T20:23:50-05:00April 18th, 2014|

Hidden camera updates: Tampa, FL company; Ft. Meyers, FL rental home; Fredericton YMCA, New Brunswick, CA

It’s worth paying attention to even the small incidents of attempted spying. Eavesdropping equipment is cheap and easily obtained. News reports are of the few who get caught, but there are many more that go undetected.  Contact us if you have concerns for your place of business. 

Tampa, FL:

Ex-employee’s lawsuit claims Tampa company didn’t act on covert videos

Days after the chief financial officer of a Tampa maintenance company was accused of recording videos of female employees using the bathroom and showering, the former information technology employee who exposed the chief  financial officer’s alleged actions has sued the company and his ex-boss.

On March 28, Jeremy Lenkowski, the former information technology director for MaintenX , filed a lawsuit accusing the company’s president and vice president, among others, of failing to act after Lenkowski showed them videos he’d discovered on CFO […]

2016-12-16T20:23:50-05:00April 2nd, 2014|

Confidential Hedge Fund Information Obtained through Eavesdropping

Eavesdropping doesn’t need to be high tech. Employees, spouses, and family members have a duty to protect and safeguard confidential information.  

Two Men Caught Trading on Confidential Information Gained Through Eavesdropping

New York (HedgeCo.Net) –  A man is being charged with violating a duty of trust by trading during a blackout window after he overheard work calls made by his wife.

“Spouses and other family members may gain access to highly confidential information about public companies as part of their relationship of trust,” said Jina L. Choi, director of the SEC’s San Francisco Regional Office. “In those circumstances, family members have a duty to protect and safeguard that information, not to trade on it.”

Tyrone Hawk of Los Gatos, Calif., overheard his wife, a finance manager at multinational computer technology corporation Oracle Corp speaking of her company’s plan to acquire Acme Packet Inc. Hawk also had a conversation with his wife in which she informed him […]

2016-12-16T20:23:51-05:00April 1st, 2014|

Illinois Eavesdropping Law Voided

Audio recordings are an easy thing to accomplish, almost everyone’s phone today has recording capability. It’s very important to understand your state’s eavesdropping laws if you ever consider recording phone calls or recording any conversation for that matter, even if the conversation takes place in public.  It also is important to understand these laws when drafting corporate rules and regulations regarding audio recording in the workplace.

For a recording to be legal, most states require the approval by just one party of the conversation, this is often easily fulfilled since the person doing the recording is usually part of the conversation.  There are a number of states, though, that require all parties to give their consent. Recording of phone calls on a company wide basis, though, requires consulting a qualified attorney since incoming calls may be coming from states with different laws than your state.  Illinois was one state […]

2016-12-16T20:23:53-05:00March 25th, 2014|
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