The FBI offers a printable two page travel safety brochure with helpful tips for keeping executives safe and secure during international trips.

It emphasizes the need to take corporate espionage seriously:

Corporate espionage is an increasingly serious threat for a business traveler. The perpetrator may be a competitor, opportunist, or foreign intelligence officer. In many countries, domestic corporations collect competitive intelligence with the help and support of their government. To mitigate this risk, your organization’s critical information and technologies should not reside on any hard copy or electronic device you take unless it is absolutely necessary, and if so, then you must safeguard the physical access to the information by using encryption and keeping the material on your person at all times. Hotel safes are not adequate protection.

There are sections for “Before You Go”, “During Your Stay”, and “Upon Your Return”. It includes advice ranging from not allowing foreign storage devices to connect to your computer or phone to keeping a low profile and planning your wardrobe (to not be offensive).

This could be a useful resource for traveling executives.

FBI travel brochure