TSCM Inspection Services
Corporate TSCM Sweeps, Eavesdropping Detection and Electronic Countermeasures
Uncovering eavesdropping devices is a highly technical job that requires professionally trained and equipped personnel. It involves understanding the scope of the threat as well as performing numerous electronic tests and a thorough physical search of the target area.
Our electronic inspections are very thorough. They include radio spectrum analysis, telephone line inspection, thermal imaging, and multiple procedures using a variety of specialized equipment.

Special Events and Confidential Meetings Require Privacy
Business conferences and board meetings often discuss sensitive and confidential matters that may require significant security preparations. Depending on the level of discussions taking place, there could be serious risks including exposure of trade secrets, damage to company reputation, or high financial loss at stake. It is the fiduciary responsibility of the corporation to the shareholders to insure that significant security measures are in place.
Loss or leak of even a small amount of confidential information could have serious and damaging affect on a company or on the individuals within that company. This could include affecting stock prices, loss of information to competitors, and leak of scheduling information resulting in physical danger to executives. Please read more on our page for conference center, hotel, and special event TSCM [here].
Cyber Security TSCM, Wifi and Network Inspection
TSCM is an important aspect of cyber security that is often overlooked. Many devices now communicate over the internet. While much of cyber security is focused on network firewalls and software threats there are many other vulnerabilities that exist in the physical layer of your network (hardware connections). These are often not recognized by typical network security measures. We address these issues in our sweeps.
Wifi and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) present a big threat to corporate networks. Rogue access points and unsecured connections can open your network to outside invasion and manipulation.
Many devices communicate over the internet or through cellular signals, Industrial Control Systems (ICS) as well as Internet of Things (IoT) devices are all capable of being exploited for surveillance purposes.

TSCM Executive Residence Sweeps
Many executives are having confidential meetings and phone calls at their homes as working from home has become commonplace. Unfortunately, the home is usually much less secure than the office and thus becomes a more enticing target for the eavesdropper.
Conferences and board meetings now have members and participants connecting from their homes. The confidential information which was previously discussed in just one board room, is now being shared to numerous other locations. In the past, the board room was the obvious target of the corporate spy, but now every home and every location where someone connects to the meeting is an equally valid eavesdropping target and needs protection.
Celebrities and other high profile individuals may be the victim of overzealous fans or news investigators trying to discover their private activities.
Physical threats to executives or others are usually preceded by surveillance. Attackers often want to know schedules and other activities going on around the home.

Covert Video Discovery, Hidden Camera Threat
Video cameras and recorders come in many disguises and small sizes, some have microphones connected as well. There is the threat that confidential information could be intercepted including executive activities, but there is also concern that a breach of privacy would not only be damaging to an individual but could also result in huge law suits directed at the facility or corporation.

Telecom Inspection, Digital and Analog Phone Systems, PBX’s, VOIP
PBX and other telephone systems have a number of inherent vulnerabilities. Examples include call monitoring, software taps, voicemail interception, and many varieties of hacking. VOIP systems are also vulnerable in many ways and require multiple tests to ensure their security. We have helped resolve many incidents where phone systems and voice mail systems have been compromised.

Vehicles and Aircraft
Many meetings occur on the road, in the air, or at sea, where confidential information could be discussed at length. Cars, limousines, and private aircraft are prime targets for espionage. Personal security is also at risk if adversaries are tracking vehicle movement for the purposes of planning an attack. We inspect vehicles for both eavesdropping devices and gps tracking. Devices found on aircraft and yachts include WiFi transmitters, audio recorders, and covert video cameras.

Active Monitoring, Real Time Spectrum Monitoring for Meetings
During important corporate meetings or conferences there is concern that confidential information being discussed might be transmitted directly from the meeting via devices brought in with a participant. During such meetings, radio frequency analysis can be performed in a nearby room or office to determine if a signal of any kind is coming from the meeting room. A full sweep of the room, telephones, audio / visual equipment, etc. prior to the meeting would also be appropriate in these instances. We also recommend establishing clear policies regarding the use of laptops and cellular phones at such meetings.