Dec 23, 2016, ExecSecurityTSCM Northern Division

Our surveillance detection team has discovered an increase in spy activity coming from foreign actors to the north. Images and covert video leaked by NPA contractor Edward Snowflake (North Pole Agency) reveal what appears to be a secret command post manned by Kris Kringle and a team of highly skilled hackers.


This clandestine operation has been collecting metadata throughout the past year on unsuspecting girls and boys throughout the world. What they plan to do with this data is still unclear, but from the chatter we have heard we expect to see activity within just a few days.

There may also be significant impact on financial markets as a marked increase in Amazon Prime spending has also been reported during the past few weeks.

There are very few countermeasures known for these attacks. Alert notifications have been sent to owners of Elf on a Shelf, My Friend Cayla, Amazon Echo, and all Visa and MasterCard credit card holders to watch for suspicious activity.

The best known protection at this time is to “be good, for goodness sakes“!



Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all
from Charles and Richard Patterson and everyone at Exec Security TSCM.

ExecSecurity TSCM Charles Patterson