The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation(CSIRO) is Australia’s national science agency.  

The Sidney Morning Herald, 12/5/2013
A CSIRO scientist’s failure to show up for work led Australia’s top scientific organisation to uncover a suspected spy in its ranks.

The Chinese scientist at the centre of an industrial espionage probe had missed three days of work last week, prompting CSIRO management to ask police to visit his suburban Melbourne residence to check on his welfare.

But by the time the officers arrived, the scientist was nowhere to be seen.

Fairfax Media understands he had left the country days earlier, possibly returning to China.

However, he had left CSIRO computer equipment in his home. The equipment is now being examined by federal police and intelligence officials.

It is believed CSIRO databases had been accessed from the computer equipment and confidential information may have been used in an unauthorised fashion.

Neither the Australian Federal Police nor the CSIRO would comment on the man’s whereabouts nor confirm his identity.

In response to questions from Fairfax Media on Wednesday, the CSIRO released a statement saying: ”As previously advised, a matter relating to the possible unauthorised access and use of a section of the CSIRO IT infrastructure by a CSIRO employee was referred to the Australian Federal Police by the CSIRO. To discuss any specifics relating to this matter is inappropriate at this time.

”CSIRO consider the appropriate level of background/security vetting relevant to each role as part of its recruitment processes. CSIRO apply the standards required by the Commonwealth Government’s Protective Security Policy Framework and utilise the Australian Government Security Vetting Agency for security clearances where required.”

Fairfax Media understands the scientist, a post-doctoral fellow, may have worked for a time in the CSIRO’s Parkville laboratory, which focuses on molecular science and nanotechnology.

Recent research at the Parkville laboratory includes work on cancer treatments and the development of biodegradable materials for the repair, replacement and regeneration of diseased or damaged body parts.

The CSIRO has massively increased its scientific collaboration with China in the past decade.

Western intelligence agencies are increasingly focusing on China’s economic and industrial espionage efforts, with a US Pentagon report in May warning Chinese scientists working overseas were under pressure to provide information to support Beijing’s military ambitions.