If you are going to record -video or audio- there is a good chance you may be breaking the law. You may have good motivation, but don’t expect the courts – or your co-workers- to see it that way.
Such devices can appear anywhere, at home or in the work place.
from the Pocono Record
Pleasant Valley School District Director of Support Services Joshua Krebs was arraigned on wiretapping charges Tuesday. A preliminary hearing was scheduled for 11:30 a.m. on Jan. 26.
Court papers allege Krebs electronically eavesdropped on conversations in the elementary school faculty break room in April 2016.
Krebs was still working at the school district as of Tuesday’s arraignment.
Krebs, 37, of Kunkletown, his hands clasped in front of him, appeared calm and did not speak at the arraignment. He sported a full beard, closely cut hair, and wore a gray suit with a blue shirt and gray patterned tie to Tuesday’s proceedings in front of District Magisterial Justice Dan. Higgins, Jr. in Stroud Township.
Higgins did not set bail, and instead released Krebs on his own recognizance.
On April 5, 2016, it is alleged that Krebs, with the assistance of Pleasant Valley School District Technology Supervisor Alex Sterenchock planted a video and audio recording device in the teacher’s lounge, in order, Krebs later said, to catch a custodial staff member in dereliction of their duties.
The device, was discovered a day later, positioned to capture audio and video in the seating area of the lounge.
The teacher’s lounge was deemed a private area by Krebs himself earlier, and staff was encouraged to have their private phone conversations in the room. The parties in the lounge had an expectation of privacy there, according to Monroe County District Attorney Office Detective Wendy Bentzoni Serfass.
The recording of video without all party’s consent is legal in Pennsylvania, but audio recordings in a private area like the lounge are not legal in the state without all party’s consent, Serfass said.

Video/audio recorder found in teacher’s lounge.
The recording caught a conversation among custodial staff members, one who was upset with their workload and was considering other employment. Krebs communicated this information to the Head Custodian, Crystal Reph.
In a second meeting with about 35 concerned professional staff on April 8, Krebs again admitted he planted the camera and recorded both audio and video. Krebs said at the meeting there was no guarantee that he would not do this again in the future.
Read more at the Pocono Record