Covert cameras come in many shapes and sizes, allowing the recording of many private moments, often inappropriate. This one may not be so bad, though. Ring Cam is a covert camera installed in a box that will also hold an engagement ring.

Ring Cam Covert Camera
Ring Cam started as a senior design project at Hope College. The Ring Cam team devised a unique way to remember and share a couple’s happy moment: a clean stylish ring box with a hidden camera in the lid of the box.
Of course, the ring box could be left in any number of places to eavesdrop on other activities, but the company clearly does not have that intention. They offer the Ring Cam as a rental for $100. Hopefully you would only need to use it for just the one event, although it can also be purchased for $300 (ring not included).
The Ring Cam website displays a number of recordings of happy couples and the excitement of the moment. They also offer support in the way of video tips, video editing, and a “wing-man” to help you plan your proposal.

Ring Cam connections
Covert camera tip: if you are concerned about a camera hidden possibly hidden in an obscure object, look around the item for holes and connection ports. Most of the inexpensive spy-cams available will have a small usb port or micro-SD card slot somewhere on the device that allows retrieval of the images, as well as small holes that could be for the camera lens or a microphone.