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Four charged with hacking 500M Yahoo accounts, connected to FSB

The U.S. Justice Department today unsealed indictments against four men accused of hacking into a half-billion Yahoo email accounts. Two of the men named in the indictments worked for a unit of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) that serves as the FBI’s point of contact in Moscow on cybercrime cases. Here’s a look at the accused, starting with a 22-year-old who apparently did not try to hide his tracks.

2017-03-15T21:21:32-04:00March 15th, 2017|

TSCM and privacy protection for attorneys and their clients.

Lawyers must protect communications and information for both their own firms as well as their clients. TSCM electronic security sweeps are necessary for insuring confidentiality.

I was recently interviewed by Sharon Nelson and John Simek on the Legal Talk Network for their Digital Detectives Podcast. I gave an overview of TSCM and reviewed a number of concerns, especially those facing lawyers today.

Sharon and John run Sensei Enterprises, Inc. a nationally known digital forensics, information security and technology support company serving the metropolitan Washington, D.C. area. On their monthly podcast, Sharon and John typically cover cyber threats, digital technology, and computer investigations for attorneys and others in legal fields.

As a lawyer, sometimes paranoia is a good thing. Legal professionals are constantly handling sensitive information that needs protection, whether it’s details about a case or client data. In this episode of Digital Detectives, hosts Sharon Nelson and John […]

2017-03-14T22:15:45-04:00March 14th, 2017|

Panasonic accused of bugging conference room

A lawsuit has been filed claiming that a unit of Panasonic Corporation secretly bugged a conference room where a business partner was holding a confidential meeting. Panasonic Avionics is accused of stealing confidential, proprietary information related to the software used to run in-flight entertainment systems.

2017-03-13T09:58:03-04:00March 5th, 2017|

IT security can create its own threats. Consider the “Bash Bunny” Pen Testing Device

In IT and Cyber security, penetration testing or “pen testing” for short, is a necessary activity for discovering and revealing network vulnerabilities.

One company known for it’s pen testing tools is Hak5. They have a  number of informative videos discussing IT security and pen testing techniques as well as offering products designed with both security testing and hacking in mind.

Audit vs Attack

An inherent challenge then, is that many of the same tools available for testing cyber defenses are also usable for defeating security. Any cyber security consultant should undoubtedly be aware of these tools, but it is also important for anyone concerned with network security to be on the lookout for any related devices that might show up in unauthorized hands or in inappropriate locations (such as connected to your own computer for instance).

A recent addition to the Hak5 product line up is a device they call the Bash Bunny […]

2017-03-05T14:54:14-05:00March 2nd, 2017|

Jack Platt, CIA officer with a fascinating story, passes away at 80.

Jack Platt (John C. Platt) passed away on Jan 4, 2017 at the age of 80.

Jack had forged a lasting friendship with KGB officer Gennadiy Vasilenko, beginning in the 1970’s.  Vasilenko suffered at the hands of of the KGB partly due to his relationship with Platt and was put in prison twice. After his second imprisonment of five years, from 2005 to 2010, he was able to be released as part of a spy trade with the US.

Gennadiy Vasilenko and Mr. Platt were keynote speakers at the 2013 conference of ERII (Espionage Research Institute International).  Jack introduced Mr. Vasilenko who proceeded to tell their story, while Jack quietly took a seat in the back of the room. Some of their complicated relationship was explained in a recent NY Times article.

Jack […]

2017-02-24T16:50:57-05:00February 22nd, 2017|

Does staff know your confidentiality policies? Superbowl ad brings home some pointers.

Too often employees do not understand that they are the caretakers of privileged information and the must treat it with confidentiality and respect.

Even basic information such as the time and place of a meeting could give an enemy or competitor a chance to set up unauthorized surveillance or other attack. Be sure to educate your employees, staff, contractors, and meeting participants that the information they may be receiving is private and confidential and is not to be shared.

Some of these points were brought home by the 2017 Superbowl ad for Avocados From Mexico.  It’s a cute ad, but whether you like avocados or not, it does points out that many people may not understand the value and sensitive nature of what is being discussed in your meetings.

Turning off sound-masking, internal leaks, posting meeting info on social media are all problems of the “Secret Society”.

2019-02-07T22:30:58-05:00February 18th, 2017|

NZ All Blacks bugging incident- security consultant under suspicion

During a routine TSCM sweep a bugging device had been found embedded in a chair in the hotel room used by the All Blacks rugby team. Sweeps can be important for any business, and sports teams as well. Information discussed prior to major games could be desirable from many directions- the opposing team, news media, not to mention gambling and possible organized crime activities. In this case however, it appears that the security consultant hired to help protect the team had ideas of his own and is now charged with planting the device himself. The risk posed by insiders to any corporation is significant. Employees, executives, vendors, and consultants could all come under suspicion.

2017-02-07T16:46:21-05:00February 7th, 2017|

NY: Eavesdropping guilty plea ends career of town supervisor.

Make sure your employees as well as executives understand that eavesdropping is a crime. Even if your security cameras come with microphone capability, you better check with your lawyer before you consider activating or recording any of the audio.

The town supervisor from Geddes, NY, Manny Falcone, has pleaded guilty to felony eavesdropping charges.

Avigilon Dome Camera

Falcone admitted he ordered the audio capabilities on a town hall security camera to be activated so he could eavesdrop between February and September 2016. The camera was located in the main entryway of the building.

“Employees had concern they were being monitored or recorded and that their conversations in the hallway were being overheard,” said Onondaga County Assistant District Attorney Caleb Petzoldt.  They reached out to State Police last year, fearing eavesdropping was happening inside the walls of town hall. There were four other cameras installed in the building that […]

2017-02-01T19:03:34-05:00February 1st, 2017|

Chinese state insurer caught using iPhone for eavesdropping


CHINESE insurance regulator said that a state insurer used an iPhone and a voice recorder to eavesdrop on inspectors.

China Insurance Regulatory Commission Shandong bureau said Saturday that the eavesdropping devices were found at the Weifang office of Yingda Taihe Property Insurance.

The regulator had been inspecting the Shandong branch.

On Jan. 6, inspectors found the iPhone and voice recorder taped under their chairs. Neither Yingda nor the regulator elaborated on how the tapping devices were found.

“Their purpose was to listen in on the discussions, so that they could obstruct and thwart inspections,” sources with the insurance regulator said.

iphone eavesdropping

Four people — Lu Wentao, vice general manager of the Weifang subsidiary, and three other company employees Han Tao, Yang Changhao and Cui Zhao, have been implicated in the incident. Yingda said all four have been removed from their posts and are under […]

2017-01-15T23:37:43-05:00January 15th, 2017|

Tennessee attorney indicted for eavesdropping, secretly recorded conversations

Attorney and his client are accused of leaving a recorder in a place knowing it would be used to secretly listen in on conversations. Court papers also stated they allegedly overheard, recorded, amplified or transmitted part of communication by others without consent. Since this is related to a custody case, after more details emerge we may find out that they had just put a recorder into a child's backpack to record any transgressions by the other parent. This could be a preemptive move by the other side to block any evidence that was obtained by the recording. Be aware of the laws before doing any recording.

2017-01-12T17:59:50-05:00January 12th, 2017|

Is your dash cam guilty of eavesdropping?

Most dash cams include the ability to record audio as well as video. Conversations recorded within the vehicle could be considered eavesdropping. With the audio active, you may be recording the conversations of passengers in your vehicle without their knowledge or permission. That could be an eavesdropping offense in many states in the US if they require all-party consent. If you have video of a valet damaging your car while taking it for a joyride, the evidence could be declared inadmissible due to the eavesdropping aspect of recording audio.

2017-01-04T15:12:18-05:00January 4th, 2017|

Technical Build-
Portable CCTV System for Executive Protection and TSCM

The Arlo wireless camera system by Netgear is a relatively inexpensive system that it is adaptable for a portable security application. Originally designed for the home market, the system has a number of limitations, but wireless transmission, motion detection, and long battery life make it useful in portable applications where quick deployment is needed.

2017-10-14T10:33:37-04:00December 29th, 2016|

Worldwide eavesdropping activity and spy ring discovered.

Our surveillance detection department has discovered an increase in spy activity coming from foreign actors to the north. Images leaked by NPA contractor Edward Snowflake (North Pole Agency) reveal what appears to be a secret command post manned by Kris Kringle and a team of highly skilled hackers.

2016-12-23T12:18:22-05:00December 23rd, 2016|

Corporate espionage and competitive intelligence at Deloitte.

Deloitte is looking to hire a federal contracts manager, a federal cybersecurity consultant and is even advertising for military officers with top-secret government clearances. What none of the people applying for those jobs know — and few of the people doing the hiring know, either — is the secret history of Deloitte's robust federal practice.

2023-06-24T12:01:34-04:00December 20th, 2016|

North Korea bugging the homes of officials.

Not surprisingly, North Korea reportedly bugs the residences of party officials.

SEOUL, Dec. 19 (UPI) — The North Korean diplomat who fled from Pyongyang’s embassy in London testified Monday that former Defense Minister Hyon Yong Chol was executed based on information from wiretapped conversations at his home.

Thae Yong Ho, who arrived in South Korea with his family in August, provided the statement to Seoul lawmakers Monday, local news service News 1 reported.

Thae, who was in charge of propaganda at the embassy, said all high-ranking members of North Korea’s security department are “constantly being eavesdropped on,” according to Lee Cheol-uoo, chairman of the national assembly’s intelligence committee.

“In North Korea, surveillance becomes more intense with rank and it has become the norm for homes to be wiretapped, according to Minister Thae,” Lee said.

Thae Yong-ho says North Korea eavesdrops on officials' homes. North Korea’s former […]

2016-12-20T21:56:25-05:00December 20th, 2016|
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