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Corporate Espionage Countermeasures for Car Manufacturers…


How does one hide a car in plain sight? There’s a clandestine component to automotive testing – the act of car cloaking with camouflage.

When an automaker builds a new model, the vehicle reaches the prototype stage, and is known as a “mule,” that must be tested on the track.

There is a small, stealthy group of auto photographers dedicated to grabbing photos of this test, so to combat their long lenses, many car companies keep a “camo expert” on staff.

There’s the threat of corporate espionage, or maybe the automaker wants to hide a new, proprietary feature that could separate them from their competition. Camouflaging is done to control perception (mules are quite ugly), and so a potential buyer doesn’t see the upcoming model, and decide to hold off on their purchase of this year’s car.

Plus, leaked images really suck the drama […]

2016-12-16T20:23:54-05:00February 5th, 2014|

Espionage history: The Laird’s Lug (the Lord’s Ear)

In the Great Hall of Edinburgh Castle, evidence of eavesdropping technique is there for all visitors to witness. The Laird’s Lug (the “lord’s ear”) is what looks like a type of ventilation hole over the fireplace. It was used by the lord of the castle to eavesdrop on his guests when they gathered in the hall below.  A number of other castles have similar features. In 1984 Mikhail Gorbachev asked for it to be bricked up prior to having a meeting scheduled there.

Air ducts and ventilation holes still provide an eavesdropping vantage point for the modern spy.  I was working in an office late one night, and even though I was the only one there, I heard two voices behind me. I knew I was alone, but I had clearly heard two people talking.  I could understand their conversation perfectly.  After putting the paranormal theories out of my mind, I […]

2016-12-16T20:23:54-05:00January 29th, 2014|

Electronic Espionage Countermeasures for Executives and Executive Protection

By Charles Patterson, Jan 24, 2014

Corporate espionage strikes fear in the hearts of many executives, and rightly so. The threat is real, often not visible and not understood, and damage to the company (and to individuals) can be severe.  Spying comes in many forms and guises.  Cyber crimes and network hacking grab most of the headlines. They are certainly huge problems and require serious attention, but modern technology puts many advanced eavesdropping techniques in the hands of the general population as well as criminals. If you are responsible for the protection of executives, it is helpful to understand the threat that eavesdropping poses to the principals and their corporate concerns.

Corporate Threat

In the corporate arena, there are significant espionage threats from nation states, foreign competition, and other powerful adversaries. But there is also potential danger from others closer to home. Consider that most serious crimes usually begin with some […]

2016-12-16T20:23:54-05:00January 24th, 2014|

Teachers’ union hires sweep team.

The United Federation of Teachers union in NYC hired a TSCM team to sweep their offices.  Unfortunately, comments on articles we read and even the articles themselves tend to make fun of their desire for privacy.  One frequent comment we hear about TSCM is how a sweep is “James Bond-like”.  What people do not seem to recognize is that 007 was a spy, TSCM sweeps are performed to catch and prevent spying. 
The information of the sweep came from a review of their spending reports. That highlights another need to try to keep your security information under wraps. 

from the NY Post:

Something’s bugging teachers-union boss Michael Mulgrew — or, at least, he thinks so.

Teachers’ union boss spent $18K in Bond-like HQ spy sweep

The United Federation of Teachers president blew a huge wad of union cash to play out a paranoid James […]

2016-12-16T20:23:54-05:00January 23rd, 2014|

Massive credit card data leak hits South Korea

The leak is linked to an insider. Reports vary as to how many accounts have been compromised, but all of them are big numbers. Bank executives are offering to resign.

Report below is from   

The theft of personal information from more than 100 million South Korean credit cards and accounts, reportedly including those of President Park Geun-hye and UN chief Ban Ki-moon, has ignited a storm of anger and litigation against credit firms.

The theft of personal information from more than 100 million South Korean credit cards and accounts, reportedly including those of President Park Geun-hye and UN chief Ban Ki-moon, has ignited a storm of anger and litigation against credit firms.

Worried Koreans on Tuesday packed into branches of one of the banks hit by the theft to ensure their money was safe, while lawyers said 130 people joined a class action suit against their credit […]

2016-12-16T20:23:54-05:00January 21st, 2014|

The FBI’s secret hunt for a KGB mole

Some interesting history of espionage and the FBI. The author, David Wise, originally wrote a longer article for, this can be viewed here. Some of the details were supplied by David Major, a former FBI counterintelligence agent who now runs the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies found online at, a valuable resource for up to date information on international espionage and counterintelligence.

ONE SPRING NIGHT in 1962, a short, stocky Russian walked into the FBI office in Midtown Manhattan and offered his services as a spy for the United States. Aleksei Kulak, then 39, was working undercover as a science official at the United Nations. He said he was unhappy with his progress at his true employer, the KGB.

Kulak was taking a huge risk by entering the FBI office. The building was […]

2016-12-16T20:23:54-05:00January 19th, 2014|

1971 anti-war activists admit FBI document burglary, perpetrators feel emboldened and kinship with Snowden.

After 43 years, activists admit theft at FBI office that exposed domestic spying

In the bombshell book, “The Burglary,” journalist Betty Medzger exposes the robbers behind the momentous theft from an FBI office outside Philadelphia over 40 years ago. The perpetrators have come forward in an interview with NBC News.

By Michael Isikoff, National Investigative Correspondent, NBC News [Full article and video at]

Forty-three years after the mysterious theft of up to 1,000 documents from an FBI office outside Philadelphia, three former political activists are publicly confessing to the brazen burglary, calling it an act of “resistance” that exposed “massive illegal surveillance and intimidation.”

 “We did it … because somebody had to do it,” John Raines, 80, a retired professor of religion at Temple University, said  in an interview with NBC News.  “In this case, by breaking a law — entering, removing files — we exposed a […]
2016-12-16T20:23:55-05:00January 8th, 2014|

CES 2014: New gadgets = new spy gear… Consumer devices to help kids spy on mom and a programmable Mom to spy on everyone, MiniDrones, and a “Jumping Sumo”

It should be well known that consumer products often have other nefarious purposes (think baby monitors and tiny voice recorders). Watching what has been revealed at the International CES, (the major consumer electronics expo in Las Vegas) shows some neat high-tech toys that may be worth paying attention to, not necessarily due to any inherent any evil intent, but they show how some clever and formerly advanced technology is becoming less expensive and readily available to the public to do with as they will.

Spying on Mom: Tyche, by AIBrain, Inc.

This was described as “A $200 robot companion for kids that follows the voice command: ‘Go to the kitchen, find Mom, take a picture of her and return here.’ A cellphone provides processor, cameras, microphones, sensors.” It’s probably supposed to be fun, but what if mom doesn’t want […]

2016-12-16T20:23:55-05:00January 6th, 2014|

Spy history miniseries on ABC: ‘The Assets’: Hot on the trail of a Cold War spy within the CIA

An eight-part miniseries “The Assets,” about the real-life CIA officers who tracked down Aldrich Ames, a spy within their ranks, airs at 10 p.m. Thursdays on ABC.

By David Wiegand, San Francisco Chronicle


No one misses the Cold War except maybe Vladimir Putin and Hollywood film and TV creators, but it’s easy to see why the second group feels nostalgia. Protracted tension between the U.S. and the Soviet Union provided a rich vein of inspiration for countless TV shows and movies for decades.

Then they had to go ruin it all with that whole glasnost thing, the demolition of the Berlin Wall, and Gorbachev and Reagan getting all palsy-walsy. But now that relations between the U.S. and Russia are chilling again, it’s the perfect time to recall the cold old days of spies versus spies.

FX is already there with the fictional series “The Americans,” returning Feb. 26, and now […]

2016-12-16T20:23:55-05:00January 6th, 2014|

Hidden camera in a bathroom forces plane to make emergency landing

By Jeff Black,  NBC News

An American Airlines flight from San Francisco to New York was forced to make an emergency landing in Kansas City on Sunday afternoon because an electronic device thought potentially to be a bomb was found on board, authorities said.

Upon landing, the plane carrying 215 passengers and nine crew members was moved to a remote area of the airport where the jet was evacuated and searched, officials said.

The device found on the JFK-bound 767 was initially described to NBC News by a senior law enforcement official as a “flash drive.”

Later, senior government officials said the device was taped to part of the bathroom.

An preliminary inspection of the device showed it was actually a camera disguised as a flash drive, the officials said.

Security officials, including the FBI in Kansas City, were working to determine who the device belongs to.

No injuries related […]

2016-12-16T20:23:55-05:00January 6th, 2014|

Fiction sheds light on the reality of industrial espionage: author’s research highlights the threats.

Author Christopher Reich did a lot of research for his new novel, some of his comments in this interview from the Epoch Times reflect the real security concerns corporations face.

By Joshua Philipp, Epoch Times | December 31, 2013

Three politicians die in fear as their car, controlled by an unseen hacker, charges onto the White House lawn and into a line of armed Secret Service agents. In his final moments, one of the men texts his son, a hedge fund manager in New York, a single word that could unravel a sinister plot to destroy the U.S. economy and bring the country to its knees.

So begins “The Prince of Risk,” the latest novel by bestselling author Christopher Reich. While the story is fiction, it’s haunting theme hits uncomfortably close to home. The novel plays on the Chinese Communist Party’s real-world use of industrial espionage and imagines […]

2016-12-16T20:23:55-05:00December 31st, 2013|

Surveillance Countermeasures also means you should be aware of your surroundings, you never know who might be listening…

Man Sits Behind Ex-CIA Director On The Train, Eavesdrops, And Live-Tweets His Conversation,
by Brian Jones, Business Insider

Former Director of the CIA and head of the National Security Agency Michael Hayden had his cover blown on the Acela train by  Tom Matzzie, a political strategist who used to run the D.C. branch of, according to Dylan Matthews at The Washington Post

According to Matzzie, Hayden was on a call with reporters and was speaking under the condition of anonymity, intending to be cited only as “a former senior administration official.”

Matzzie didn’t just recognize him, he live-tweeted the conversation, and made some great quips about when he was going to get rendered for live-tweeting the private conversations of a man who was among the most powerful on the planet. 

In subsequent tweets, Matzzie said he was working […]

2016-12-16T20:23:55-05:00December 30th, 2013|

HTC VP and others indicted in Taiwan for corporate espionage

As reported by The Wall Street Journal, top HTC senior executive and vice president of product design Thomas Chien has been indicted along with five other HTC employees by the Taiwanese courts for corporate espionage. The charges include leaking company secrets, falsifying expense reports, and taking kickbacks.

Chien has been accused of leaking interface designs based on the upcoming Sense 6.0 UI, as well as receiving some 33.57 million New Taiwan dollars ($1.12 million) through kickbacks from suppliers.

HTC has declined to comment on Chien or confirm who the other charged HTC employees are, but released this statement:

“The company expects employees to observe and practice the highest levels of integrity and ethics. Protecting the company’s proprietary and intellectual properties, privacy and security is a core fundamental responsibility of every employee. The company does not condone any violation.”

Chien had supposedly leaked the interface designs to a partner he […]

2013-12-30T21:11:06-05:00December 30th, 2013|

Naughty or nice, how did Santa know? Early newspaper photos caught him in the act.

Santa’s elves have been known for their cleverness with technology. This photograph made was available to the public in the 1924 edition of the Western Morning News. 

It shows a sinister Santa perched on a snow-capped roof, using a listening device to eavesdrop on the praying family below. The caption describes how ‘Father Christmas is ascertaining the wishes of children by the latest scientific methods.’

A 1924 edition of the Western Morning News shows a Sinister Santa perched on a snow-capped roof, using a listening device to eavesdrop on the praying family below. The caption describes how ‘Father Christmas is ascertaining the wishes of children by the latest scientific methods’.


The British Newspaper Archive has released a number of chilling images taken from British local papers that depict Father Christmas as at best an eerie ghost and at worst a predatory-looking spy.

2016-12-16T20:23:55-05:00December 27th, 2013|

Hidden microphone helps save Christmas…

Shelby County Sheriff’s Office arrests The Grinch, saves Christmas Dec 23, 2013 By Ben Culpepper

COLUMBIANA, Ala. — Christmas has been saved and the gift-stealing, green-faced Grinch is behind bars Monday thanks to some great police work by the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office.

According to a news release, 56-year-old The Grinch, of Whoville, was taken into custody by deputies at an unknown hideout, where he was waiting to snatch Christmas joy from the hearts of children everywhere.

“Children throughout Shelby County can sleep soundly tonight, as the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office has apprehended the famed Christmas thief, The Grinch,” the sheriff’s office said.

Authorities were tipped off to the Grinch’s whereabouts by a concerned Whoville resident, Cindy Lou, who told deputies the suspect was headed their way. A short time later, deputies spotted Grinch’s dog, Max, at the Alabaster Dog Park, […]

2016-12-16T20:23:55-05:00December 26th, 2013|

Eavesdropping device installed in vehicle; Dubai man fined and sent to jail for spying on ex-wife

Ex-husband used tracking devices on woman’s car to eavesdrop and find out her whereabouts

By Eman Al Baik  Published Thursday, December 26, 2013

Dubai Courts found an ex-husband guilty of spying by fixing a listening and tracking device in his divorced wife’s car and sentenced him to six months in jail and ordered him to pay Dh10,000 for invading the woman’s private life.

The Court also ordered the information solution company to pay Dh100,000 fine and another Dh100,000 to be paid by its manager for selling and offering the spying device without obtaining the necessary permissions from Telecom Regulatory Authority.

Consultant Ismail Ali Madani, Head of Funds Prosecution who investigated the case said that in 2009 the victim had bought a car from her husband with whom she had trade deals. In 2010, her husband asked her to get the car’s windows tinted from a specific outlet. […]

2013-12-26T00:12:27-05:00December 26th, 2013|

Virtual Reality, Real Spies- What else goes on in the world of online gaming?

New York Times, World; By MARK MAZZETTI and JUSTIN ELLIOTT (Dec 9, 2013)

Not limiting their activities to the earthly realm, American and British spies have infiltrated the fantasy worlds of World of Warcraft and Second Life, conducting surveillance and scooping up data in the online games played by millions of people across the globe, according to newly disclosed classified documents.

Fearing that terrorist or criminal networks could use the games to communicate secretly, move money or plot attacks, the documents show, intelligence operatives have entered terrain populated by digital avatars that include elves, gnomes and supermodels.

The spies have created make-believe characters to snoop and to try to recruit informers, while also collecting data and contents of communications between players, according to the documents, disclosed by the former National Security Agency contractor Edward J. Snowden. Because militants often rely on features common to video games — fake identities, […]

2016-12-16T20:23:55-05:00December 24th, 2013|

Spy Shop owner busted- for producing illegal parking permits and identity theft.

Spy shops, in general, are difficult to trust, they often claim to offer “counter-spy” equipment for protecting your privacy, but will just as easily sell you the very devices you were afraid of in the first place. This one, the Queens Spy Shop in New York, seemed to be involved in a number of suspicious activities. Feds intercepted 1,000 fake Department of Transportation parking permits, officials said. (Don’t be fooled by their claims, the countermeasures equipment sold at spy shops is usually little more than toys and cannot be used for serious sweeps. Also interesting to note, is the Feds found eavesdropping equipment here, but it was not illegal to possess, so they are not being charged with that. Somebody is buying their products. Hope they don’t show up in your office, or hire a professional TSCM team to make sure they don’t.) 

The Daily News

The feds have uncovered something […]

2013-12-20T21:30:10-05:00December 20th, 2013|
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