The 2014 Verizon DBIR is available for download. This year’s report features nine common incident patterns, bringing together insights from fifty global organizations and more than 63,000 confirmed security incidents.
“…we’ve created sections around common incident patterns derived directly from the data itself… Within each of those patterns, we cover the actors who cause them, the actions they use, assets they target, timelines in which all this took place, and give specific recommendations to thwart them. The drive for change is three-fold: first, we realized that the vast majority of incidents could be placed into one of nine patterns; second, we can (and did) draw a correlation between these incident patterns and industries; and third, we wanted to challenge ourselves to look at the data with a fresh perspective. The ultimate goal is to provide actionable information presented in a way that enables you to hash out the findings and recommendations most relevant to your organization.”

2014 Data Breach Report