Insider Threat Defense
Corporate and industrial espionage are critical concerns for businesses today. All areas of security need to work together to prevent any form of spying, data loss, or information leaks. Insider threats come from those who have already gotten past the usual defenses of cyber security, perimeter protection, and access control. It requires extra duty-of-care to ensure that your confidential information and trade secrets remain protected. Employees, executives, and contractors are often the ones responsible for data loss, information leaks, and even criminal acts of espionage.
Insider threats also come from those not intentionally seeking to do damage to your company. Stalking, harassment, voyeurism, and personal vendettas have all caused security breaches that undermine corporate structure and stability, creating severe legal and financial problems.
Those seeking to do damage often resort to using electronic devices to accomplish their goals. Typical cyber and physical security measures are not enough to protect against the many technical threats that can undermine your business. Rogue access points, listening devices, covert cameras, and more are readily obtained and can easily make their way into your offices. Electronic sweeps by Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) specialists are able to detect and defend against these intrusions.
TSCM and Cyber TSCM procedures use advanced technology to uncover and locate unauthorized radio signals, wiretaps, WiFi and network breaches, and many other threats that go undetected by normal security efforts.
When an incident occurs, that is not the time to begin searching for service providers. Proactive, regularly scheduled sweeps help to ensure your offices are safe, but they also provide the duty-of-care that is needed to establish the confidential nature of your corporate information, trade secrets, and private communications.
Exec Security TSCM has been providing technical surveillance countermeasures services for over twenty years. Contact us today to find out how we can help you integrate TSCM into your security plans.
Potential Insiders
Threat Devices