Office Bug Sweeps and Eavesdropping Detection Services
Call us today for confidential consultation. 800-337-2001
Call us today for confidential consultation. 800-337-2001
Professional Bug Sweeps
Bug sweeps are often what comes to mind when thinking about corporate espionage and spying. Movies often show someone walking around a room with a small box with an antenna that lights up when it detects a “bug”. Technical Surveillance Countermeasures, or TSCM, is actually much more than just checking an area with a simple signal detector. Radio signals are everywhere today, from WiFi to Bluetooth and light switches to home automation, all need to be accounted for. A TSCM professional must be familiar with the many types of signals that will be detected to be able to discern which are appropriate and which may be unauthorized. Signals need to be detected, located, and then identified.
Small Bugging Devices
Electronic bugging devices can take many forms. They can be disguised as everyday items and could be so small that they could be easily overlooked. They could be tiny microphones connected to recording devices. They could also be wired into radio transmitters broadcasting the intercepted conversations or other data to a distant listening post.
Eavesdropping Devices Available From Many Sources
Eavesdropping devices are available from a large number of sources making the threat that much more serious. A number of devices from overseas come into this country through internet sales, they may not be sold as bug devices but they do have the capability to cause damage to your privacy and security. A simple GPS tracking device will often have microphone capability- turning it into a bug. Covert video cameras, many of which are wireless, will also have audio capability- making them bugging devices as well.
Another common bugging tool to be concerned about is the cell phone. If a cell phone has been left in a room, stuck under a table or in a chair cushion, it could be waiting for a call to allow the eavesdropper to listening to the confidential meeting.
Risks of Compromised Information
Any such bugging incident could leak confidential information that could result in damaging financial setbacks, such as lost contracts and lost deals. It could also be as serious as to compromise personal safety and security. If a kidnapping or other attack on an executive, a celebrity, or their families is being planned, you can expect covert surveillance to take place that would include eavesdropping, planting bugging devices, or installing covert video.
Information Assets Need Protection
Your corporate information is worth protecting. You should consider having regular bug sweeps performed of offices, conference rooms, board rooms, and any area where confidential discussions are taking place. Corporate bug sweeps of sensitive areas are often performed quarterly, and also whenever special meetings such as board meetings are taking place.
Professional Bug Sweep Tools
Professional bug sweeps involve a number of complex tests and inspection tools. A serious job should not be left to amateurs. At Exec Security we keep up to date on the latest detection technology as well as staying familiar with older threats that are still in use. We are a very experienced full time sweep team, bringing the latest equipment to your defense. We sweep all radio frequencies from “VLF”, very low frequencies, up into the microwave ranges using multiple receivers, spectrum analyzers, and directional antennas. We also inspect wireline communications equipment, telephone PBX systems, and VoIP systems.
Have Confidence in Exec Security TSCM
You can be comfortable hiring the Exec Security team- we regularly work with Fortune 500 companies. We know how to work within corporate office spaces and complex corporate data and telecommunications systems.
Call Today
Call today to discuss your needs and schedule your next corporate bug sweep. It costs nothing to call, but could be worth everything to protect your confidential information.
Examples of bugging devices
we have discovered:

Desk calculator with
microphone and GSM transmitter.

Power supply with
Wifi camera and microphone.

GPS tracker with
remote controlled microphone.

Powerful microphone
found glued to ceiling tile.